SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

The compromise is SkyTrain: Toronto should be pursuing this technology and not LRT on Eglinton

A special release for Better Surrey Rapid Transit, a SkyTrain advocacy group from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.  Enjoy, everyone! ———————————————————————— We’d like to have a say on the debates going on in the City of Toronto, where the loud voices have recently been gaining nationwide attention. Most recently: a continuous battle between Mayor Rob Ford […]

Inconsistencies in Paul Hillsdon’s 2008 “Transit for Tomorrow” LRT proposal

Back in 2008, Paul Hillsdon (, today a Civic Surrey ( blogger, was receiving some rather notorious attention for his independent candidacy for City Council at Age 18 – and no doubt many people praised him for that, as would anyone with an appreciation of young people who are able to do so-perceived great things, amazing […]

Light Rail Ineffective: Portland transit mode-share unchanged despite $4 billion+ in LRT spending

Recently we came across the results of a study and article on Portland transit mode-share released not too long ago on the Human Transit Blog, written and managed by professional public transit planning consultant Jarrett Walker. The article is called “Portland: A Challenging Chart“.  Walker and his friend Adrian created a chart which shows the […]

Urban Integration with SkyTrain: Plaza 88 – An Example for Surrey

[youtube=] You may have heard earlier this winter of the prominent opening of a new Safeway as part of a retail complex in New Westminster, recently built adjacent to New Westminster SkyTrain Station.  The new development is notorious in that it integrates more than 200,000 square feet of retail space directly with the New Westminster […]

Light Rail: Reliability will be an Issue

You may have seen one or more mentions we have made of the reliability issues that we may face with the implementation of an at-grade, on-street Light Rail system in Surrey. We would like to show you an example of what we mean.  Without further ado, here is an image excerpt from a Seattle Times […]

SkyTrain Can Integrate with Urban Environments

While we don’t have much in the way of finished text content to share with our readers today, we would like to share with you some images we found dating back to the Canada Line implementation plans for Richmond.  The images prominently showcase how the rapid rail transit guideway of the Canada Line SkyTrain line […]

SkyTrain Dismissed: Downtown BIA Shifting the Playing Field?

Dr. David Hendrickson and Dr. Sean Connelly were recently commissioned by the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association to create a transportation study called “Leveling the Playing Field: Improving Public Transportation Infrastructure“.  The 35 page long study has to do with transportation problems and options for the City of Surrey. The study definitely found and decently […]

Portland, OR: the wrong role model for Surrey Rail Transit

There needs to be understanding of the role that rail transit will play in Surrey in the future.  This city needs rail transit not only to more effectively move the people who already are here, but also to accommodate population growth and encourage appropriate development in the right areas.  All of these roles that rail […]