SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

SkyTrain to Langley is now under construction!

On July 9, 2021, the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain became fully funded with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement of $1.3 billion in federal funding, allowing for the line to be built. The City of Surrey commenced early works construction just a few days later. As a result, SkyTrain for Surrey’s decade-long battle for a 16-kilometre SkyTrain extension to Langley City was brought to a close.

SkyTrain to Newton: Advocacy in progress!

In January 2022, TransLink’s Transport 2050 Regional Transportation Strategy set the stage for a second SkyTrain extension within Surrey, extending from City Centre to Newton on King George Boulevard. However, the strategy stopped short of committing to a grade-separated SkyTrain extension, instead committing only to examining it through “further studies”.

This proposal was revisited during the 2022 municipal election, and then again during the 2024 provincial election. Our organization is continuing to push to make this SkyTrain extension (and further extensions) happen.

Building for the future. 🌆

In the year 2050, will live in the Greater Vancouver region.

of those people will live in Surrey, Delta and the Langleys—that's equivalent to the combined population of Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and New Westminster today.

It's time we see our fair share.

Our victory on the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain has been crucial in sending the message that South-of-Fraser communities need to be served by top-tier rail rapid tranit. But, with TransLink’s Transport 2050 planning process considering more surface-oriented rapid transit (such as light rail) once again, that momentum could be lost.

We cannot go back to the flawed principles that shaped Surrey’s previous proposal for surface light rail: a system that would have been prone to accidents, faced with speed and capacity limitations, and left us with a permanently inferior transit backbone compared to what cities north of the Fraser River have today.

That is why our blueprint for the future includes significant expansion of the SkyTrain system.

That is why our blueprint for future transit expansion includes significant expansion of the SkyTrain system. ↓↓↓

Download a detailed PDF of our new 2050 vision map HERE.

Our vision: 4 transit spines. 🚇🚇🚇🚇

Rapid transit ‘spine’ corridors will form the backbone of the South of Fraser network, connecting communities to each other and to job and activity centres throughout the region while offering seamless integration.

Total new SkyTrain:

66 km

Corridor/Destinations Completion Length Implementation
Fraser Highway
City Centre to Langley, via Fleetwood
approx. 2025
16 km
FUNDED—Expo Line extension
King George Boulevard
City Centre to South Surrey, via Newton
before 2050
22 km
Expo Line branch OR standalone line
104 Avenue & Highway 1
Sapperton to North Langley, via City Centre & Guildford
by 2050
20 km
Millennium Line extension via a new Second SkyBridge
Scott Road
Scott Road Station to Scottsdale
by 2050
8 km
Branch line, with Y-junction and through-running

Reliability, consistency, speed, and frequency.

In addition to Fraser Highway, we have identified three additional “spine” corridors in Surrey/Langley/Delta that should be considered for grade-separated rail rapid transit by 2050.

They have the busiest traffic volumes, the busiest transit routes, and they’re anchored by the rapidly growing Surrey City Centre, which will soon rival downtown Vancouver as an employment centre.

A second 'SkyBridge'? 🌉🌉

What if we could get on a in downtown Surrey and not have to change trains at Commercial-Broadway???

The SkyBridge between Surrey and New Westminster is currently the only high-capacity rail transit crossing over the Fraser River. TransLink has predicted that the SkyBridge (and the current Expo Line) could reach capacity by 2050. Despite this, Transport 2050’s early network concepts do not include a second SkyBridge.

We envision extending the Millennium Line into Surrey on a second SkyBridge, adding badly needed redundancy for our cross-river movements, and allowing for far more seamless connections to places like SFU Burnaby, Broadway, and UBC.

About Us

SkyTrain for Surrey is the community organization that advocated for the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain extension, and continues to push for high-quality, fully grade separated rapid transit projects in Surrey and Langley.

From our beginnings as a petition calling for the scrapping of a street-level LRT proposal, we grew into a community of like-minded folk, taking on various projects such as making SkyTrain an election issue in 2018 as a registered advocacy group. SkyTrain for Surrey continues to call for high-quality transit infrastructure projects that offer a positive return-on-investment. Contact us: [email protected]

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