SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

No Surrey LRT benefits for South Surrey-White Rock

SkyTrain for Surrey reminds residents and decision-makers in South Surrey-White Rock that the proposed LRT line on King George Blvd. will be terminating in Newton. That means despite that the Light Rail funding announcement on Monday was delivered by local Conservative candidate Dianne Watts, the LRT project will not run in her riding or service her constituents. SkyTrain […]

Mayor Linda Hepner breaks LRT election promise

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Sep 30, 2015 – Surrey, BC On Monday, September 28th, Mayor Linda Hepner broke an election promise to Surrey citizens to deliver the first-phase of a proposed Light Rail Transit system by 2018. In doing so, she has revealed the City of Surrey’s incompetence and inability to plan for the city’s transit […]

Funding still missing for LRT operating costs

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 29, 2015 – Surrey, BC Despite the recent commitments to capital funding for the proposed Surrey LRT system, there has been no discussion on how the system’s operating costs will be paid for after it opens. “Any funding commitment to building a transit project means nothing if we don’t know how we’re […]

New video highlights Surrey Light Rail Transit issues

SkyTrain for Surrey has launched a new informational video to highlight major issues with the Light Rail proposal in Surrey that was recently endorsed by the Conservative Party. The new video highlights numerous issues with the Light Rail proposal that we have raised throughout the year. These include: Surveys have shown that transit riders in […]

Light Rail to offer few benefits for Surrey citizens (SUMMARY)

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC SkyTrain for Surrey reminds media and stakeholders that the proposed Light Rail Transit line for Surrey offers few tangible benefits for Surrey citizens. The SkyTrain for Surrey campaign, under the leadership of local advocate Daryl Dela Cruz, has been relentless in raising LRT issues despite continuous ignorance from city council: Surveys have shown […]

Surrey Light Rail “Plan B” doesn’t work

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC The City of Surrey has jeopardized its own “Plan B” for Light Rail Transit by neglecting to account for the financial effects of poor ridership and a fare revenue short-fall. A previous joint study commissioned by TransLink and the Province found that the proposed LRT will require an operating subsidy of […]

A P3 doesn’t work for LRT in Surrey

The Canada Line P3 was a successful P3 because its ridership and fare revenue exceeded projections. The private partner’s capital investment in the project is returned as a profit through the performance payments made during operation. If fare revenue from ridership meets or exceeds the costs, financing proceeds as planned and excess operating revenue is […]

SkyTrain alternative would save hundreds of Green Timbers trees

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC The City of Surrey has rejected SkyTrain alternatives on Fraser Highway that take up less space, saving hundreds of trees in Green Timbers forest slated for destruction to widen the road for LRT. In letters (see below) sent to the Green Timbers Heritage Society, our campaign manager Daryl Dela Cruz […]

LRT study ignores transportation outcome

We refuse to acknowledge the results of Surrey’s LRT study as an acceptable case for proposed light rail in Surrey.

New “Light Rail Reality” outreach video

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC Better Surrey Rapid Transit has released a new outreach video focusing on issues in the proposed Light Rail Transit system in Surrey. The new video is available on YouTube (above), as well as on the campaign Facebook page. The video also brings attention to a proposal that has been supported […]