SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

City LRT vision excludes South Surrey & White Rock

UPDATE – Feb 26, 2016 – Surrey, BC The City of Surrey has expressed its intent to extend rapid transit to South Surrey & White Rock, as reported in a recent a news release by CKNW. However, the City of Surrey has made no changes to its website map to clarify its commitment to rapid […]

1000 sign petition opposing Surrey Light Rail Transit

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Feb. 22, 2016 – Surrey, BC Over 1000 supporters have joined SkyTrain for Surrey in opposing the proposed Surrey Light Rail Transit project, urging that it be changed to a SkyTrain system with Bus Rapid Transit. Daryl Dela Cruz, our founding director, said: “The significant turnout in support for our petition demands […]

City poll fails to demonstrate LRT support

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Feb. 12, 2016 – Surrey, BC SkyTrain for Surrey has called out the City of Surrey for misleading city residents again, in its claim that an Ipsos Reid poll sampling only 600 residents demonstrates 80% support for LRT. Daryl Dela Cruz, campaign chair, said: “Surrey has a population of over 500,000 people. […]

Exposed political deal shows lack of LRT confidence

SkyTrain for Surrey is calling on citizens to take note of the City of Surrey’s hiring of political insiders to mislead the federal government on transit issues and falsify an LRT business case. A Business in Vancouver report has said that the Earnscliffe Strategy group, whose B.C. office is led by a previous campaign co-chair […]

Federals urged to reject Surrey LRT project

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Jan. 18, 2015 – Surrey, BC As part of the 2016 federal pre-budget consultations, we have urged the Minister of Finance to reject a Surrey LRT project and refuse to provide federal funding. Our submission included a list of 14 major shortfalls/issues that have been identified with the proposed light rail system, […]

Edmonton LRT disaster is a warning for Surrey

MEDIA RELEASE Edmonton LRT disaster is a warning for Surrey FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 7, 2016 – Surrey, BC SkyTrain for Surrey agrees with a National Post reporter that poor design choices on an Edmonton LRT project must be seen a warning sign for other Canadian cities, including Surrey. The at-grade design of the […]

LRT commitments ignore future operating debts

The proposed operating cost of Surrey LRT is approximately 40% of the cost to provide the South of Fraser’s existing bus network.

Funding still missing for LRT operating costs

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 29, 2015 – Surrey, BC Despite the recent commitments to capital funding for the proposed Surrey LRT system, there has been no discussion on how the system’s operating costs will be paid for after it opens. “Any funding commitment to building a transit project means nothing if we don’t know how we’re […]

Federal Liberals miss mark with LRT promise

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC The City of Surrey – not Conservatives – should be held responsible for an ongoing 2-year standstill on acquiring federal funding for a proposed LRT system. Liberal Party candidate Sukh Dhaliwal, in a promise to bring Light Rail to Surrey, has attempted to blame the Conservative government for a standstill […]

Conservatives should cancel funding for Surrey LRT

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Surrey, BC In light of rumours that Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper would be announcing funding for proposed Light Rail in Surrey, local advocates in Surrey have warned the Conservative Party that a business case analysis has not been finished for Surrey LRT. “It would be short-sighted, and irresponsible, to commit the […]