SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

RCMP cruiser crash would have shut down Surrey LRT for 4 hours

COMMUTER CHAOS STORY RCMP cruiser crash would have shut down Surrey LRT for 4 hours FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – April 26, 2018 – Surrey, BC A recent collision between a marked RCMP SUV and a Mustang convertible would cause a major shut down of the proposed Surrey Light Rail Transit system if it were built. […]

Surrey’s first LRT line will be only half as fast as SkyTrain

MEDIA RELEASE Surrey’s first LRT line will be only half as fast as SkyTrain FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 27, 2018 – Surrey, BC One detail that is increasingly left out in the discussion around Surrey’s proposed Light Rail Transit (LRT) is its operating speed. We have learned that the first of two lines being […]

Phase 2 Transit Plan does not put Surrey commuters first

MEDIA RELEASE Phase 2 Transit Plan does not put Surrey commuters first FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 16, 2018 – Surrey, BC SkyTrain for Surrey is disappointed to learn that the Regional Mayors Council’s Phase 2 Transit Plan has retained the Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT line, meaning that the region has signed on to make one of […]

Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT should be removed from 10-Year Vision

MEDIA RELEASE Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT should be removed from 10-Year Vision FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 11, 2018 – Surrey, BC In an open letter penned by our campaign chair, SkyTrain for Surrey has requested the incoming Mayors’ Council Chair – Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan – to remove the Surrey-Newton-Guildford Light Rail Transit (SNG LRT) line […]

Letter to Mayors’ Council Chair, Derek Corrigan (Jan 9, 2018)

MEDIA RELEASE Letter to Mayors’ Council Chair, Derek Corrigan (Jan 9, 2018) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 9, 2018 – Surrey, BC The Surrey-Newton-Guildford Light Rail Transit (SNG LRT) project will do little to improve transit commutes for the people it would serve, and should not be in the region’s 10-Year Vision. Our campaign chair […]

Eight things to know about Surrey LRT

MEDIA RELEASE Eight things to know about Surrey LRT While certain groups in the community are certainly entitled to believe that the “excitement is building” for the Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT project, we here at SkyTrain for Surrey have observed that opposition to this Light Rail project is in fact rapidly growing. Over 3,500 people have signed […]

Surrey LRT line will be among slowest in Canada

MEDIA RELEASE Surrey LRT line will be among slowest in Canada FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 4, 2017 – Surrey, BC SkyTrain for Surrey has learned that the low average travel speed of the Phase 1 Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT line will make it one of the slowest rail transit systems in Canada. According to the latest […]

LRT impacts to school will cost taxpayers millions

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 25, 2017 A recent briefing memo released by the Surrey School Board suggests that the City of Surrey and TransLink LRT team have not addressed the major issues that LRT on 104 Ave will cause for a local school. Hjorth Road Elementary is located next to 104 Avenue, where the road […]

Letter to B.C. Premier John Horgan (Sept 14, 2017)

SkyTrain for Surrey has penned an open letter to B.C. Premier John Horgan and the provincial government, in response to recent requests from some involved stakeholders to “hurry up” on deciding the rapid transit technology on Fraser Highway. Rushing a decision on an issue that involves billions of regional taxpayers’ dollars would be a huge […]

Video offers glimpse into Surrey’s Light Rail future

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 26, 2017 A new video released by SkyTrain for Surrey offers stakeholders and decision-makers a glimpse of what Surrey’s future will look like with Light Rail Transit. Our aim is to bring attention to one of the major issues with building rail transit systems at ground-level and on-street: with trains at […]