SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

Myth #1: LRT is more cost-effective

Light Rail Supporters: “We can build 27km of LRT for the same cost as 17km of SkyTrain” FACT: 17 kms of SkyTrain AND 24KM OF BUS RAPID TRANSIT could be built for the same cost. This alternative would have more transportation benefits and lower long-term operating costs

Myth #2: LRT is better for shaping communities

Light Rail Supporters: “SkyTrain does not build communities. It separates them with big, tall concrete structures.” FACT: SkyTrain has already demonstrated its ability to help build communities Many examples of communities in this region built by SkyTrain (New West Station, Marine Gateway, Brentwood, Lougheed, Metrotown, others) With significantly higher ridership, SkyTrain will make for busier and […]

Myth #3: LRT links the most communities with rapid transit

Light Rail Supporters: “We can build 27km of LRT for the same cost as 17km of SkyTrain” FACT: A SkyTrain + BRT system would link all of the same communities and potentially more. Light Rail trains will create few travel time benefits over existing rapid buses Light Rail will miss many communities like Cloverdale, South […]

Myth #4: LRT makes more sense from a land-use planning perspective

Light Rail supporters: Investing in LRT rather than SkyTrain makes both economic and land use sense FACT: LRT doesn’t make more sense from any perspective. BRT on the same corridor can create the same travel time benefits and provide high capacity for future growth. SkyTrain on the same corridor can create significantly more travel time and economic benefits. […]

Myth #5: LRT is more community-friendly

Light Rail Supporters: “It’s not about moving people as far as you can from A to B; it’s about building a community” FACT: It’s not okay to have longer travel times in exchange for a “community-friendly system”. Slower LRT will result in a lower transit mode-share, which congests communities, and creates transportation problems. SkyTrain riders have spoken: […]

Myth #6: Only LRT has the capacity to handle future growth

Light Rail supporters: Rapid buses won’t meet demand and will result in Broadway-like overcrowding on King George Blvd. FACT: A full Bus Rapid Transit system has the capacity to meet future demand A full BRT system would offer higher capacity than Broadway B-Line services Surrey has time to foresee & prevent Broadway-like overcrowding through effective zoning policies. BRT […]

Myth #7: LRT will better achieve development and urban design objectives

Light Rail supporters: Closer station spacing promotes evenly distributed medium density development Reality: Any station spacing and technology can promote this type of development. Development outcomes depend on zoning choices and City Council decisions, not transit technologies Similar communities in Metro Vancouver (Morgan Crossing, River District) were built away from major transit corridors. SkyTrain has generated over $30 billion in […]

Myth #8: LRT has permanence that’s more attractive for growth

Light Rail Supporters: “LRT is a fixed product. Bus routes can change.” FACT: LRT has less permanence as it has higher operating costs. Light Rail is also vulnerable to service changes if ridership/fare revenue doesn’t meet expectations Portland Streetcar service frequencies dropped from initial 6 mins. to current 15-20 mins. due to poor ridership

Myth #9: LRT is easier to access because it is at ground level

Light Rail Supporters: LRT is at street level, which is more accessible for passengers with wheelchairs, strollers and shopping carts. FACT: Street-level operation doesn’t make LRT “more accessible”. Rapid Transit service isn’t less “accessible” unless riders are actually missing trains due to time required to access stations. To access on-street LRT stations in the median, riders must […]

Myth #10: LRT will make single or no car households more feasible

Light Rail supporters: LRT will assist affordability by making single or no car households more feasible Reality: LRT won’t make such households more feasible unless there is a decrease in travel time + increase in ridership Only 1-minute faster than the current 96 B-Line or future “L-Line” Bus Rapid Transit 15 minutes slower than future SkyTrain on Fraser […]