We’re taking issue with a dishonest claim by the City of Surrey that a SkyTrain extension to Langley is “only 5 minutes faster than LRT.”
This is on the City of Surrey’s website page on LRT, which also claims that Light Rail travel times would improve with further technical work. This doesn’t match up with estimates in the Surrey Rapid Transit Study, conducted by TransLink in conjunction with IBI group. The study initially projected LRT travel time of 29 minutes to Langley, versus the City of Surrey’s 27 minutes.
In addition, because the City is planning for additional, more closely-spaced LRT stops (mentioned on the same webpage), LRT travel time will INCREASE – not decrease – after more technical work. We presume this increase would be another 3 to 5 minutes.
“To understate Light Rail’s travel time shortfall is to twist the data to undermine a much better alternative. That’s dishonesty, and Surrey citizens deserve better,” says Daryl Dela Cruz, a prominent Surrey transit advocate and the campaign manager for Better Surrey Rapid Transit.
“That’s dishonesty, and Surrey citizens deserve better”
Daryl Dela Cruz – Campaign Manager
An Expo Line SkyTrain extension to Langley would take 22 minutes, 10 minutes faster than LRT to Surrey Centre and 15 minutes faster for those continuing to the North-of-Fraser. As part of our rapid transit vision (, which also incorporates Bus Rapid Transit, SkyTrain would create 2x the benefits and ridership in Surrey for a lower cost than proposed LRT.
For additional info, contact: Daryl Dela Cruz, Campaign Manager – Better Surrey Rapid Transit.
Email: [email protected]
Call: 81-80-3962-9281 or ask for Skype handle
(Note: Daryl is currently out of country; long-distance fees apply)

Disclaimer: Better Surrey Rapid Transit (SkyTrain for Surrey) is an ongoing, issues-oriented activism campaign and is NOT an election campaign.
Featured image: CONCEPT: A next-generation TransLink articulated bus running on an upgraded #96 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line on King George Blvd! BRT in Surrey on the 96 B-Line route would meet demand for rapid transit without chronic overcrowding, and could feature comfortable waiting areas and median busways (pictured), traffic signal priority, all-door boarding, fare pre-payment, up to 3 times the current service frequency and a far more reliable service that, unlike LRT, isn’t stopped when there’s an accident blocking the right-of-way!
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