SkyTrain for Surrey, not LRT!

While the neighborhood has achieved a heightened sense of community and successfully encouraged walking, most residents still rely on the single-occupancy vehicle — not mass transit — as their primary mode of commute. CC-BY-SA-NC

While the neighborhood has achieved a heightened sense of community and successfully encouraged walking, most residents still rely on the single-occupancy vehicle — not mass transit — as their primary mode of commute.

Orenco, west of Portland, OR

One thought on “Orenco, west of Portland, OR

  1. The City’s Engineering Department, seriously has to get with the game. They seem to be off doing their own thing, and with iaanqutted ideas of how things should be done. They might mean well, they might think we need more roads, wider roads, because there is traffic congestion and thus demand. But its not the way to do things.I have seen too many trees cut down just to widen a roadand seriously cut a road through bear creek park!?There 11,000 trees a year are cut down in Surrey! (re: recent Leader article; went to 4000 this year, but they expect that number to go back up when the economy picks up !!!)

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